
Complimentary Roadside Assistance Plus Tire Hazard

BG On The Road® roadside assistance is only available with the purchase of a BG fluid change service.

Services Provided:

  • Towing Assistance*
  • Jump Start Assistance
  • Tire Change Assistance
  • Lock-Out Service Assistance
  • Fuel and Fluid Delivery
  • Repair or Replacement of a Damaged Tire (cost of gas, other fluids or key replacement not included)
 *towing available for accidents and vehicle disablement
older car being towed by a tow truck

Roadside Assistance Details

Available for up to $100 US for 4 months. If your vehicle becomes inoperable in the U.S., Puerto Rico or Canada, it will be towed to the nearest qualified service center. You do not pay the service provider for the first $100 US of services listed above (per event, limited to two events).

Tire Hazard

If the tire is repairable, the maximum eligible reimbursement is $20.00. If the tire is not repairable, the maximum eligible reimbursement for replacement is $150.00.

Roadside services are performed by independent service providers, for whose actions BG Products, Inc., shall not be liable. Additional terms and conditions are set forth on the Service Card.

Book a Service Appointment

Got an issue with your vehicle? Don’t wait any longer for the best solution to your vehicles problem. Let’s get you booked in for a service appointment today.

Book Now